The Firm operates through the mechanism of a small in-house circle team which is being complemented, for each particular large scale or modular project, with externally sourced industry professionals of direct knowledge to the Firm over their competence, track record, and practical experience.

The Managing Partner of the Firm is Ivars Mēkons. He holds a Master`s degree in international law (LL.M.) from the University of Latvia Law School (2004).
When serving as the Legal Advisor to the Latvian Government in international investment arbitration (2003-2015), he revamped the then prevailing dispute resolution practice. During his tenure, he shifted focus towards attempts to resolve the matter amicably in the pre-arbitration stage, when facts demonstrated strong risk of, otherwise, an adverse outcome. In all relevant cases, he managed to secure favorable settlements. He had also been regularly advising State controlled entities on potential outcome and risks with regard to so called State contracts (concluded by State corporate bodies). Since fully leaving for private practice in 2015, he continues being regularly involved in international investment and complex commercial and trade arbitration under various widely acknowledged arbitration rules.
Among his regular clients are Fortune 500 companies, as well as flourishing start-ups alike constantly entrenching their position on the market.
His major focus is the aviation industry, with client circle comprising both commercial and business aviation players.
You may find his papers on various themes of interest on Lexis Nexis and SSRN portal. You may reach him at

Ģirts Blumers is a Team leader for:
- - energy projects, transactions, and disputes
- - complex novel industries (such as smart materials and bioeconomy)
- - broader investment project structuring and management related matters
Ģirts is happy to pass on to the Clients his extensive practical experience gained in his capacity as the Head of the Investment Project Department at the Latvian Investment and Development Agency, where he was responsible for strategic oversight and planning to attract foreign investment and support business growth in Latvia on part of the foreign investors and companies. Under his auspices, Latvia was happy to boast more than 100 new investors with an aggregate investment amounting to EUR 1.1 billion and creating 6,5 thousand new jobs since 2019. Major focus has been oriented towards large and strategic investment processes.
Before that, Ģirts was Deputy Head of Public Administration Development Department at the Latvian State Chancellery with core competencies in boosting overall Latvian public administration efficiency to meet high level goals, such as compliance with OECD policies. Major introduced new approaches include establishment of a self-standing institutional development planning, creation of meaningful public consultation (with a private sector players) process system, as well as identification and removal of several key "red tape" (unnecessary bureaucratic burdens and procedures) issues to facilitate the businesses` ability to orient their key resources predominantly towards commercial planning and operational matters.
Ģirts holds a Master`s degree in Law (LL.M.) from the Business University "Turiba" (Latvia). You can reach him at

Kārlis Plūme
Kārlis assists the Firm in relation to legal and business practicalities and ramifications in the transactions and processes surrounding the whole specter regarding debt and equity capital markets in the EU, including over
- - the structuring of public and private offerings;
- - securities financing; takeover bids;
- - and special purpose acquisition entities.
With his daily operational activity occurring in Luxembourg, Kārlis can share the experience gained in one of the most advanced markets to the Clients bearing interest concerning the Baltic states. The Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) in European and International law from the Universität des Saarlandes. was obtained in 2023. Kārlis was born on 2000.
You can reach him at